Please contact John on 01776 854226 for further details.

Please click on the Tag Number to view pedigree details.
Ervie Herefords Cow Family History


Where do we differ from most other herds?
We base our selections on traits that directly affect commercial profit.
? Our herd is line-bred for High Natural Performance. Yearling growth is our first selection criteria in our stock bulls.
? Our line-bred herd produces calves with Increased Predictability. Less variation in the calf crop including birth weights and growth rates.
? Our line-bred cattle produce calves with Increased Uniformity of Type. Progeny have good structure and conformation built-in.
? Our line-bred cattle produce progeny with Increased Hybrid Vigor when out-crossed. Hybrid Vigor is about the only FREE input in the production of beef!
? Our line-bred cattle are High in Maternal Traits. Most important for retaining female herd replacements and lifting herd output.
? We have no extreme birth weights and unassisted births has been a priority since my father started the herd in 1969.
Quite simply, we produce easy-doing, uniform, problem-free cattle that leave the most important thing of all ………a profit!
We hope you find heifers to suit you in our offering.
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